Friday, February 18, 2011


Second Floor of Library: Computer/Printer Area

Everyone at the tables is reading what looks like studying material or reading a book.

The people at the computers are either doing school work or surfing the web.

People keep walking around trying to find an open computer.

There is very little reaction between people and if there is, it is quiet.

Some girl has a bag of laundry.

The woman working the reference desk looks quite bored and doesn’t seem to be very alert.

Most of the adults that come through converse loudly to one another and don’t seem to honor the quiet rule of the library.

Overall, this site was uneventful. The lack of people I think, was due to the fact that I was observing in between classes. Between classes, everyone is moving around and people are scrambling to finish things or print out last minute assignments. Otherwise it was pretty much what I thought the library would be like; everyone working quietly and not really interacting.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lay of the Land

This essay is full of great detail. If I had never been into a bowling alley before, this essay could perfectly describe what one looks, sounds, and feels like. The depth that this essay goes into really helps the reader to understand and feel a connection to this place and this story. I love how the people are described in great detail as well so that you can fully picture what they look like.
"The final member of the team is a man who is in his late 20’s or early 30’s and is wearing shorts, despite the cold weather outside, a HHH sleeveless shirt and has a gold hoop in his ear. HHH is a professional wrestler, so it is obvious that this man likes to watch wrestling. Wrestling starts at 8 o’clock on Monday nights, so he will probably be leaving in time to get home and watch." This was a great way to introduce the assumption she had about his possible love for wrestling. In this way, you can see how her assumption is backed up by the evidence that he is wearing a wrestling shirt.
Over all, it is a great description of a bowling alley and what you might find if you go to one during a leauge's bowling night.

Here is a link to what you might see if you went to a league or professional bowling match:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Things I Know and Questions I Have About My Research Site

My research site is going to be the athletic training room in the Tinsley center. What I know about the people that are involved and work in the trainers room is that they all have a passion for sports. This field of work focuses on sport related injuries and rehablilitation. The trainers have an extremely high knowledge base about the human body and how it works. This knowledge is used when they are trying to asses a particular injury. The athletes themselves are very diverse and come from many different backrounds. They are all from the same community of Bridgewater student-athletes, but yet they are bound to the close families that are their teammates and their sport itself.

While there are many aspects of the athletic training room that seem to be blatenly obvious, I still have many questions. Do the trainers themselves come from a sports related backround? What kinds of medicine (if any) have they been involved in before? Do any of them have families and how does that change the way they work? How do friends who may be teammates during one season and not during another season treat each other? Is there any heirarchy to the training room, meaning, does one team get special preference over another? I think that many more questions will appear as I continue with my research.